Talking points to consider:
Here are some suggestions but your story is your own so don’t be afraid to just tell is as you know it.
How you felt when you learned you were pregnant.
Did you become pregnant easily or does your story start with infertility and/or assisted reproduction?
How did your pregnancy go?
What was baby’s personality like while you were pregnant?
Did your healthcare team talk to you at all about risk factors and/or stillbirth?
Any complications?
Were you ever concerned? Did you raise those concerns with your care provider? If so, how did he/she respond?
How did your family & friends support your loss?
How do you and your partner support each other? Have there been challenges?
Do you have any special ways that you remember your baby?
If you have other children, how did they handle the news that their baby sister/brother had died?
How do you keep your baby as a special part of your family?
What do you want everyone to know about pregnancy & infant loss?
These are just a few suggestions – do not let them limit your story!
Source: https://starlegacyfoundation.org/star-stories/add-your-story/